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High Holiday Schedule 2023

***   High Holiday Service Schedule 2023  ***

Note:  Thanks to the generous donation of Matt Somberg and family, volumes of the High Holiday Prayerbooks Mishkan HaNefesh will be available in the sanctuary for people attending services in person.
Links for remote viewing of services can be found HERE
Rosh HaShanah begins on Friday evening, Sept. 15th.
Friday 9/15      8:00 PM   Erev Rosh HaShanah Service
Saturday 9/16  8:30 AM   Family Service
Saturday 9/16  10:30 AM  Morning Service
Saturday 9/16   4:00 PM   Tashlich at Glastonbury Boat House
Sunday 9/17  10:00 AM   Second Day Rosh HaShanah service 
Yom Kippur:  Sunday, Sept. 24th through Monday, September 25th
Cemetery Service:  Sunday, September 24th  10-11 AM.   CKH Cemetery, Jordan Lane Extension, Wethersfield.
Kol Nidre:   Sunday, September 24th  8:00 PM
Yom Kippur Schedule: Monday, September 25th
8:30 AM - Yom Kippur Family Service
10:30 AM - Yom Kippur Main Service
1:15 PM (15 minutes after end of Main Service) - Study Session
     Dr. Loni Figura will lead discussion of "Where Did I Put My Keys?:  Aging Gracefully".
5:00 PM  - Yizkor Service
6:00 PM - N'eilah Service, followed by Havdalah
Break the Fast Pot Luck following final prayers.
     Please register and select what you will bring at the Sign-Up Genius Link.


You may make an online pledge and/or payment to the annual Yom Kippur Appeal by using THIS FORM.

Rosh Hashanah Orders of Worship

The Order of Worship for Rosh Hashanah services will be uploaded as they are available.

Yom Kippur Orders of Worship

The Orders of Worship for Yom Kippur services will be uploaded as they are available.

ELUL Study on thinking about Repentance

Folks in the Torah study are seeking a workbook to use during the month of Elul (the month leading up to the High Holidays) to help think about repentance. Here’s a great, free, downloadable option:

Your soul-preparation workbook for this High Holy Days season. 

The High Holy Days season comes upon us each year and beckons us to return home to our best selves, community, and the sacred. Engaging in the process of return promises nothing less than transformation.

Because even when the themes are familiar, we are different and we see with new eyes. Return: 30 Days of Reflection is your personal guide to the soul- work of this season. It contains daily questions for journaling and discussion.


Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784